Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Update - Wednesday Night, May 7

The neurologist finally called tonight at about 8:00 pm. He talked to Scott while I was at class. He said that Kamryn's recent seizures were due to fact that the phenobarbital was not fully controlling all of the seizures, allowing for breakthrough seizures. They are switching to a different second medication, Keppra, to top off the phenobarbital. They don't want to increase the phenobarbital, due to it's potency, and the Keppra should take care of the excessive breakthrough seizures without the strong side effects from the phenobarbital. (She hasn't had any since about noon today.)
After examining her and reviewing all of the test results, he thinks that she has nothing neurological wrong with her, but for whatever unknown reason is having these neonatal seizures. He is optimistic that she will respond to the new combination of medicine and will grow out of the seizures. We are still looking at the 5 day seizure-free time frame before she gets to go home. So that will put us into early next week, provided that she stabilizes and continues to respond well to the medication. Hopefully, we'll be removing the IV and feeding tube tomorrow and will just be looking at observing and maintaining for the next few days.
Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. We know we are truly blessed to have all of you in our lives.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, April. I am praying for you and your family.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the setback. Keep thinking positive, and we will keep praying for all of you.