Sunday, February 17, 2008

Baby Name Tournament

Alright, so I'm not in a big hurry to name this baby girl, but it seems others are. Scott and I have finally narrowed the field down to 12. Believe it or not, that has taken quite a bit of time. So I've devised a way to expedite the process. You guys know me. I'm a bit of a basketball nut. And being as it is February, tournament season is upon us. This is what got me thinking.

Here's what we are going to do. We are having a baby naming tournament and you guys are going to help play. I've created a bracket and seeded each of our top twelve baby names. (See your notification email for the actual bracket. I can't seem to figure out how to post the document here.) On the blog page, we are going to post surveys over to the left for each "game" that is being played. So each name is going head to head tournament style. I'll update the bracket and resend it if you are interested, or just keep checking back for a different survey/game between names. Each round of the tournament will last two weeks. By due date, we should have a name.

Now, obviously Scott and I will have the ultimate power over any game decisions, just like any set of game referees. Just know that upfront. Also, keep in mind that baby girl's middle name is likely to be Jae (don't ask why, this was a Scott thing). That may influence your decisions one way or another.

Hope you join in the fun!
Let the games begin!