Sunday, August 31, 2008
Update - Sunday August 31, 2008
I would say that is all but no, Kamryn had a seizure this afternoon. She had one about 2pm, but we gave her the medication and she has not had one since. It seems that she is not feeling real good. She has had a cough for the last day or so and she has been extremely sleepy today. So we are hoping that is just a combination of medicine and not felling well.
As always we thank everyone for their support and love. Please keep us in your prayers
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Kenedy's New Bike

Kenedy is doing well at school. She really enjoys it, which I imagined she would. She's finally starting to be a little more forthcoming with details of her day, but ocassionaly we still get the "nothing" and "nobody" answers. Grrr! Her only issue with school is the automatic flushing toilets. She is definitely not a fan of those, prior bad experiences I guess. The aid in her class is going with the her and covering up the sensor with her had everytime Kenedy needs to go potty. Bless her heart! They've got some kind of velcro contraption planned so that Kenedy can start going in on her own. : )
On a less happy note, Kamryn had a seizure this evening, around 6:30 pm. We gave her a loading dose and are right now waiting on the doc to decide if we want to keep the meds the same otherwise. He also mentioned that it may be time to consider a different type of medication too. We'll see, as this was all via text message... She's doing better so far, so assume all is well, unless I post otherwise later on.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Kenedy's First Day of School and Kamryn Info
Toting her lunch box.

Here are some pictures of Kamryn just being cute in her red and white gingham lady bug outfit. Sorry about the turned pictures, they were all right when I put them on my computer.

telling us all about it...
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Update - Thursday, August7
We had a neurology appointment today. Not much new, especially since we were just there last Friday with the recent wave of seizures. We didn't run any tests, didn't change medicines, just sat and chatted with the doc.
She obviously isn't outgrowing them just yet, so we'll continue on the medicine and doses that we've most recently updated. We didn't have her blood drawn for a phenobarb level today because the it would probably be artificially high, due to the recent loading doses. Next week we'll take her back and get a level done on her to see what number she is at and know what is works for her.
Ideally, this appointment would have been to talk about weaning her off of medicine, had she not had any seizures since our last appointment, obviously that was a no go. We set another appointment 3 months out under the same hope.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Update - Sunday, August 3
Otherwise, the trip to San Marcos went well. Jody had fun for his birthday. Most of the group floated the extremely low and slow Guadalupe on Saturday, but had fun nonetheless. Kenedy got to spend the weekend with her best friend Sarah, while Sally and I got to catch up since their move to San Antonio.
Sorry no pics from this trip. Way to much hustle and bustle this weekend with the million and a half people in and out of Jan's house at any given moment. Not to mention all of Kamryn's drama and Kenedy and Sarah running wild. : )
Maybe next time...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Not Done Yet
After a long fussy and restless day, Kamryn had a seizure at about 6:15 pm. I called the Dr. Kane's cell phone. Since we knew from yesterday's bloodwork that it is likely just that her phenobarb count is not quite up where we need it, he didn't feel like we needed to go to the hospital. He thinks we just haven't found the right maintenance dose yet, so he suggested increasing her phenobarb from 5 ml to 6ml and giving her one extra dose today as a booster. She got that at about 6:30, and has been sleeping most of the rest of the evening.
Hopefully this will be the amount that will work for her. We have the appointment next week and we'll likely draw blood again to check her phenobarb levels and see how these loading doses and increased maintenance doses are working for her.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Another Tough Day
At 11:30 am Kamryn had a seizure and when I contacted the neurologist (I actually talked to him, not just his nurse!) he suggested coming to have her phenobarb levels taken. So I got us all dressed, headed out, and dropped Kenedy off at Scott's office on the way.
At the neurologist's office/lab, the pulled blood, which Kamryn didn't much care for. However, they got it on the first stick, on the inside of her elbow. Woohoo! No more head shaving!
I figured I'd have her weight checked while I was there to get an idea of how much she's grown since our last bout of seizures. The lab didn't have a scale, so the directed me back to the pediatric practice, who directed me to the actual neurologists office, who made me wait for a nurse, just to get her weighed. All I needed was a scale, I know how to use it; no help required.
While we were in the waiting room at the neurologist waiting for the nurse to come out and help me get her weighed, she had a seizure (around 2 pm). I told the receptionist, who said she'd go get the nurse. It was the nurse and the neurologist that came out to the waiting room for the last third of her seizure. He said I could just go a head and come back so we could talk after he finished with this last patient. (We weren't scheduled to have an appt with him until next week.)
We talked and decided to go ahead and give her another loading dose of phenobarb today, and keep her regular dose at the 5 ml we had changed to to yesterday. He suspected that we had likely just outgrown her dosage. Of course, we didn't have the labs back to confirm that, but it has been the case historically. If for some reason she doesn't respond to this dose, we may have to visit the hospital this weekend.
She got the loading dose at around 3 pm at home, and we packed up and headed out to San Marcos for Jody's birthday. I called the doc around 5pm on the way to check on the bloodwork and he said that her phenobarb level was at a 24, (her happy number is in the mid 30s) and that was after the loading dose we gave her yesterday. So that likely supports our theory that she is just outgrowing the dose and metabolizing it faster. We'll talk in more detail at her appt next Thursday. She hasn't had a seizure since.
Hopefully this is the last you'll hear from me for a while...