Alright, alright! Quit harassing me already. I'm blogging, I'm blogging... Here are some updates and pictures since last I posted...
As of today, she has not had a seizure in 5 weeks. WooHoo! Growing like a weed, but hasn't outgrown this dose. : ) Some of the 6 - 9 month pajamas we just got her are getting too small. We're about to have to break out Kenedy's 12 month clothes box---for the 5 month old! She's having a big old time. She just smiles all of the time. Sleeps beautifully. Is trying to roll over. Started cereal. Tried out carrots and loved them. Got dedicated at church. Drooling like she's trying to get a tooth in, looks like an eye-tooth! Everyday is an adventure. Pics below, videos at the bottom...
Hangin' with Hunter

First try with cereal...

She still loves school. Thank goodness, I suppose. I just hate to be the parent that can't get their kid to leave at the end of the day. : ) Speaking of her school, they've got a fundraiser going on and have even got the 3 year olds hocking the wares! So if you feel the need to support the Giddens Elementary PTA and buy some stuff from Kenedy you can go to the online site ( and type in her Seller ID, 1507380, and she'll get credit for the sales. She can earn prizes for the number of items she sells. She has her eyes on a set of walkie-talkies...Kenedy is still quite enthralled with her baby sister and wants to help with her often. (a lot of times it is to try to get out of something else). She is also very excited to be a flower girl in Audra's wedding, though she likes to call it a flower princess. She also has decided to be Princess Aurora for Halloween. (Sleeping Beauty for all of you who are out of the know as far as princesses go).
Below are some more recent pictures of her...
Trying on her Halloween costume (just to make sure it fit...)
Notice the cute little bob haircut compared to the raggedy-looking flower girl pics.

After the round of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, Wylee's "mass" was no longer red and inflamed. We were waiting for the vet to call us back about the surgery to remove it, and while they were busy not getting back to us, the mass just disappeared. It's like it was never even there. CRAZY! But I'll take it.Trying to get over, but mostly hanging out on the side and pushing around...
First attempt at cereal. She's wasn't a real big fan. She'd rather had her bottle.
First vegetable...Carrots...Doing a lot better with those. If only Kenedy wasn't such a goober! : )