So much for doing better about posting regularly...
Well, here you go. Updates...
Kamryn is doing very well. This week marked her 10th week without a seizure!
She went to the neurologist on Monday. We didn't see our regular neuro., we saw his PA, which was a little wierd. She was great though. We didn't do an EEG, just a chat with the PA (Tasha), and some blood work. They like to get babies off of phenobarb starting around 9 months. The plan is to go back in 3 months, have an EEG to check for evidence of any remaining seizure activity, and come up with a plan for pulling back the phenobarb. If she doesn't have seizures when pulling back, WOOHOO, and if she does, we'll up the other medication she is on, Trileptal. Obviously, we are rooting for the 1st of the two options. We are on a great track to get there. They measured height, weight, head, etc. She is 22 lbs and 28 1/2 inches. Still off the charts for her age.
General info on Kamryn. She is 6 months old and eating solid foods like cereal and vegetables. She is a great baby...very laid back and happy. She grins all of the time. She is finally starting to roll over. She did her first roll on Tuesday night, and another couple tonight. (back to front)

Kenedy is going well. She is still loving school and never wants to leave at the end of the day. She is going to be a part of our church's children's Christmas musical in a couple of weeks. Her first official showbiz debut. : ) Ought to be interesting.
Trying a new way of posting pictures. There should be slideshows of our pre-Halloween pumpkin patch pictures, as well as actual Halloween pics.