Monday, January 26, 2009

Curent Events

Sorry it's been so long since I just somehow seems to get in the way (as does facebook!) Here's a status check on our girls:
We went to the cardiologist a couple of weeks ago to check on Kamryn's aortic arch and the ductis that had not closed yet. The EKG showed no narrowing of the arch. In fact, he said that if you hadn't have seen it earlier then you wouldn't have even known that there was an issue. The ductis had not closed however. It appears to be very tiny however, and does not appear to be causing much of a disturbance, as he could not hear a murmur. At this point, we're just going to be monitoring annually. All's good on that front.
Last week we met with a representative from ECI (Early Childhood Intervention). ECI is a governmental program that monitors and services to children who have conditions that could put them at risk for developmental delays. We had an initial screening and will have a full evaluation in early February. To be eligible for services from a physical, occupational, or speech therapist, the child must be at least 2 months behind in milestones. Even if she does not qualify for services, they will put her in the follow along system, where we fill out questionnaires every couple of months and the track her progress in a database. Should any red flags arise from the questionnaire, she would be re-evaluated for services.
Kamryn's 9 month check-up is this week and her neurologist appointment is in a couple of weeks. We are looking forward to developing a plan to ween her off of the phenobarbital at that appointment.
She is doing well. She gets up on her knees and forearms, rocks back and forth, and then goes crawling for us yet. She has started to be a little more vocal in the last few days, babbling up a storm. She sits up and can stay there unassisted, but can't get herself into that position herself, although she is pretty good at getting herself down. She is still quite the smiler and make for a great photo!

This girl is a laugh a minute... she has gone to spelling her name K-E-N-E-D-Y-dot-com. I think we're in for some interesting times. She still absolutely loves school and holds class with her pretend friends in the living room. We frequently hear things like, "This is how you play Memory, you...." "No, McKenna, not like that. You do it like this..." "Is that a good choice, Sage?"
While she is quite a riot to have around, she can definitely be a pill. The girl has a bit of a stubborn streak, and has a memory like an elephant, so if you contradict yourself at anytime, she's going to point it out!

We have much to be grateful for and are trying to enjoy every minute. I will hopefully have new pictures up soon!

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