Today, Kamryn was taken to the NICU at a different hospital due to the fact that she was experiencing neonatal seizures. The seizures were becoming more pronounced and frequent as the day went on, so the doctors ran some tests and are continuing to monitor her. The CT scan showed no brain injury, no infection was found with the spinal tap, and they used an EEG the monitor the electrical impulses in her brain before and during seizures, with and without medicine. They started her on phenobarbital, an anti-seizure medicine, at 5:30 and it has seemed to control them since then. As of 9:30, she had not had another seizure. Hopefully, we'll get similar news when we get back to the hospital tomorrow morning. Tomorrow she will have an MRI and some other tests run to continue the search for a cause, while remaining on the phenobarbital to control the seizures.
She has to be seizure-free for a certain number of days before she will be able to come home from NICU, depending on the severity of the next couple of days. We plan on being able to take her home next week with any luck.
Thank for keeping us in your prayers. We'll do our best to update the site with any new information.
Hey! Bo and I are praying for your guys. We send good thoughts and wishes to Kamryn.
I will definitely keep Kamryn and your family in my prayers. If I can do ANYTHING, please do not hesitate to call me.
God Bless!
You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day! I know God is with you and will see Kamryn through this time of uncertainty. Please know that I am here for you. Consider yourself hugged and kiss Miss Kamryn for me!
Talk to you soon,
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