Thursday, May 8, 2008

update - Thursday May 8, 2008

Kamryn had a good day today. She was seizure free again today. That means we need to go four more days and we can bring her home.

She still has the IV in, but that is only due to the fact that it is very hard to get an IV in Kamryn. They do not want to take out a good IV. They will most likely remove her feeding tube tomorrow since she is eating so well.

They did another echo cardiogram yesterday and the results came back. There is still the narrowing of the aorta, but the cardiologist is not too concerned about it. He seems to think that will correct itself. He will request we come and see him in a couple weeks for another test.

Her Grandma Felicia and Aunt Audra came to the hospital tonight to see her, but see was too tired to wake up. They will try again in the morning to see if they can catch her awake.

Let's all hope that the new drug keeps the seizures at bay and see can come home in a few days. Thanks for all the prayers and support.

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